Wednesday, August 12, 2020


What does a friend mean to most of us and, why don't we all have a lot of friends.

It was very easy for you to become friends with people you work with or people you see everyday, but how many of those people are truly your friends for life. Who can you count on when you need a friend, the one that understands your mood, craziness, sarcasm and also doesn't judge you for who you truly are.

The ideal friendship between two people is a perfect example of its longevity, its loyalty, credibility and also its durability. How can you make a friendship that lasts for ever, and when was the last time you made a lifelong friend. 

So in my last 3-4 decades on this earth, I have made quite a few friends in an ideal typical way. I have lost a few down the road and gained a few out of nowhere. But the friendship that makes you happy and sad is your true friend the one that will think of you the same way that you think of them. The one that forgives your immaturity and accepts your transgressions and still considers you a friend is the one that is your friend for life. 

Our innate ability to make the other person happy or laugh when they are around you, make them comfortable, compliment their goodness and protect their vulnerability is what a definition of friendship is to me. It can be timeless if you let it be what it is, and also okay to be afraid that if you get to close you might lose that friend. Be a friend, don't pretend, be you, be unique, be will take its own course.

Fear of losing your loved one is always the greatest fear of mankind, but if you made it into the list of that fear then you are a lifelong friend. The unconditional love you have for your friend transcends the barrier of culture, color, religion, beliefs and even daily goals.

So don't be afraid go out and make a lifelong friend that you can count on, rely on, call anytime or say anything because there is no greater joy in life than having that one friend that you can call is yours.

2020 - the year that was out of our comfort zone

2020 - the most important year that we learned a new lesson

So in a nutshell this year literally made us all stop what we were doing, thinking, making, planning, dreaming come to a full stop. It made us pay attention to how we go by about our day to day activities and understand the meaning of a simple hand wash. The year when sanitize was used more than hello how are you. 

So for most of us who were happy in our little world we had created that was so comfortable and so predictable suddenly stopped, we started to think twice how little thing called a virus made us sit at home and fear going out. This is the year we pointed out that humans can be truly sad when we don't go out or socialize. We learnt that everything we had taken for granted has now come to a full halt, everything we complained so much about is now probably finished and wont be complaining about. 

I for one didn't begin this year on a normal note so i know for a fact that i will end it with a kinder note. The plans were all frozen and flights are all delayed. Life is on hold for now as we slowly come to the realization that sitting at home is not all that bad and we are happier when we sleep at night. I look forward to waking up to the normalcy of life and living at home, studying a new skill, or making my house a home. I like looking at my husband who is near me and smiling at the fact that he is happy when i am home.

I am happier to go to bed at the end of the day happier knowing am safe, am well, am healthy and guess what I have no worries at all. So year 2020 you are after all not that bad we like you so far and many people will learn to like you as they see you have a way of teaching us all a new life lesson....get out of your comfort zone.